Friday, April 10, 2009


I have been so out of it lately!!! I have been trying to keep my head just above water! This time of year I strat feeling the crunch to get my students through the second half of U S History! We just finished the Great Depression and I should be through WWII... YIKES!!! I am so close to finishing my Master's Program... but I am insane... evil...stressed... hyper...just ask my husband and daughters!!!

I have been so crazy trying to finish my Thesis( I am looking at the role of Environmental Education in the Secondary Social Studies Classroom) for my graduate program. I am also taking an independent study on the Changing Roles of Women During WWII!!! I have found some amazing things in my research. My third class is on Non-Violent Activism. I have read about some incredible individuals...and movements that have led to long lasting changes in the world we live in...all taken up through non-violent means. Then I flipped the old guy off who cut me off on the highway( Note to self - focus more on the non-violent class!!!)

Softball Season is here at last!!! Lizi had her first game of the season the other day and she pitched an awesome game! Our team won - 9-4!!! Must be the fire engine red streaks she dyed in her hair!!! I have the most unique, and crazy fourteen year old daughter. Lizi has always marched( well more like stomped) to the beat of a different drum.

Morgan is going crazy with SAT's and Prom coming in a few weeks! We found the dress, daddy said she looked like when she was little playing princess. The dress is bubble gum pink with silver sparkles all over. We are in search of a mini tiara and glass slippers!

I found a set of hooks to hang in the kitchen for all my aprons. I am excited to hang the rest of them. I am also looking forward to hanging the black and white pics. of some of my favorite restaurants! I am hosting Easter at my house so I have to finish up planning the menu... yes I know it is 11:30 pm on good fri. No worries!!! My mom and dad are coming over and my in laws are in Hilton Head - so it is only the four of us and my parents... My mom is making the Ham and bringing her famous Potato Salad. I am thinking about (craving!!!) dark choc. brownies with orange flavored cream cheese frosting... so that will be on the menu.

I close my eyes and daydream of my little place with linen and lace curtains, quilted table clothes, glass cake plates with gooey cakes with creamy frostings and fresh berries piled high on them. Old glass pitchers filled with fresh squeezed lemon aide and heavy glass jars filled with cookies with big chunks of dark chocolate and dried cherries... I can smell the lavender planted in the window boxes and can hear the creaking of the screen soor and a customer comes in the little bell above the door ringing... Welcome to Edna Mae's...

Untill I get my lil' bakery named for my grandma... it is back to the books and homework and lesson planning... Thank Goodness for Spring Break! Hope you all have a Happy Holiday Weekend!!!